Lapland, Finland

Project Background

Arctic inspiration was a weeklong excursion 400 kilometers above the Arctic Circle. We lived in a cabin in a remote location with no electricity, Internet or phone available. Nearing the end of the excursion, a brief was given to us create a sundial using material found in the wilderness. We focused on using ice as the central material as it seemed appropriate. We cut the lengths of ice directly from a frozen lake placed them on the lake to form the sundial.


The idea for the clock came from the analemmatic dial. We would create a standing spot, this created a shadow from which the time could be told. We noticed the parallel shadows created by the thirteen ice blocks, this lead to us creating a new type of dial by reversing how the traditional analemmatic dial works. Using the shadows of the outer pillars aligning to the centre of the circle would create a more dramatic effect. We happened to have LED lights to with us on the trip, which we rigged them to changed hour by hour at night.

