I am a...

Give me a box and I’ll think outside of it

Pat Darcy – Make.Design.Manage.

What I do…

Design Leader

I consider my multidisciplinary background on of my greatest assets. I have experience in physical, spatial, digital and service product development. From early discovery right through delivery.

Blowout Presenter

Throw me in front of clients; I love it. The passion I have for my work and process reflects in my presentation. I'll identify client concerns and address them before becoming an issue.


I’m an experienced facilitator with advanced design thinking qualifications. Additionally, I have lectured in several universities in London. Neat eh!

Team Revitaliser

Deadline seems impossible? Need to rouse the troops? I don’t tell those around me what to do, I lead them. When crunch time comes we’ll get it done.

Business Orientated

Though I consider myself a creative, I've worked as a consultant for many years and have worked with CEOs and Executive Partners of some of the world's largest companies.


I have worked on many large scale projects shaping timelines, prioritising work for my teams and ultimately delivering excellent products.

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Grab it here

What people have said about me…

Better coming from the horses mouth!

Trusted by companies like

I love an adventure

I’ve never been one to slick in my comfort zone, and I take every project as a chance to think different and surprise those around me.

Career to date 

  1. April 2013
    RSA Student Design Awards (Global Competition) Runner-Up
  2. August 2013
    Internship Pop Company
  3. April 2014
    Joined IBM IX (London)
  4. October 2016
    IBM UK Managers Choice Award
  5. June 2017
    Global Design Lead BPme Products (IBM IX)
  6. August 2019
    Joined Engine Service Design (Dubai)
  7. August 2020
    Design Lead/Product Owner @ iknowa